An ethanol production plant in South Dakota, with a corn field in the foreground


years in the industry

Fuel Ethanol

Fuel ethanol is a bio-fuel (made from a biological rather than a chemical process) and can be used as an alternative fuel for your car. Bio-fuels, like ethanol, not only help the economy by providing jobs, but also help reduce greenhouse gases from lower emissions.

Ferm Solutions specializes in fuel ethanol process optimization and offers a wide variety of active dried yeast, antibacterial products, engineered process aids, professional expertise/consulting, and customer service.

Dr. Pat Heist teaching a class on distillery management


Individuals were trained


Continuing education is an important part of our relationship with customers. We also know that the success of any operation starts with the most important asset: its people.

We offer a wide range of training, from beginner to professional level, on a variety of topics relative to the process of making fuel or beverage alcohol. Some of the topics discussed include feedstock selection, conversion of complex carbohydrates, fermentation and sugar utilization, bacterial contamination, and distillation.

Training is available for new start-up facilities or existing plants and helps our customers make the most informed decisions to meet their fermentation goals.

Lab Services

Ferm Solutions offers a wide array of lab services focused around the fermentation process.

From microbiological testing aimed at yeast health or microbial contamination to analytical services to determine success in fermentation, Ferm Solutions has you covered.

  • JAN


    Moonshine U:  5-Day Distiller Course

  • MAR


    Moonshine U:  Fermentation Workshop

    Speaker: Melanie Heist
  • MAR


    ACSA, Booth 303

    Location:  Tucson, AZ
  • MAR


    Beam Conference

    Location:  Lexington, KY

    APR 28 - MAY 1

    CBC, Booth 2428

    Location:  Indianapolis, IN
Liquid dropping into a test tube


About Us

Ferm Solutions is a leading research, product development, engineering, and technical service provider to the ethanol and distilled spirits industries. We specialize in all aspects of process optimization and supply products and technical services that ensure maximum production and yield.

Learn More About Us